General Information
Appleseeds Day School is accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), the nation’s largest organization of early childhood educators and highest level of child care licensing in the state of NH. Accreditation by NAEYC means that we have voluntarily undergone a comprehensive process of internal self-study, provided documentation of a year's worth of curriculum for each classroom, invited an NAEYC professional to verify compliance with the Criteria for High Quality Early Childhood Programs, and been found to meet the criteria set forth by NAEYC. Appleseeds scored an average of 95% or higher on all criteria during their last NAEYC accreditation visit.
~ Our hours of operation are from 6:30 am – 5:30 pm
~ Full and Part time schedules will be accommodated given availability ~ Annual registration fee of $75 is due in March, to secure your child’s space for the next school year. Each additional sibling is charged at a reduced fee of $50 yearly. ~ Tuition payments can be made on a weekly or monthly basis. A 10% discount off the oldest child's tuition is offered for families with two children enrolled. A 15% discount is offered for families with three or more children enrolled. Tuition is done through ACH withdrawals. ~ Milk and two nutritious nut-free snacks are provided daily. ~ Families provide their children with diapers, wipes, breakfast and cold lunches – respecting our nut-free policy. ~ Each Friday pizza is available at an additional cost if desired. Our Director, Daniele Sharpe, can be reached at : (603)772-9995 ext. 0 or [email protected]
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